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Fifty Is Half Of Hundred

By sindisosdiary.com - 23:09

I have never been so excited to have hit this milestone in my blogging journey! Can you believe that this post you are reading is my 50th published post? Yip it is and I cannot contain my excitement as I have started and taken down other blogs in the past; but this one seems to have survived the (same) ordeal that could have befallen it.

So what has really changed from my first to my current blog posts? I do not necessarily think that my writing has changed; but I think what can be noticed from my initial posts to today’s posts is the fact that I have started taking pictures at different places as opposed to earlier when I used to take pictures at the back of my house. This has added dimension to my blog pictures. Even though it takes time to find places where I could take pictures, it is worth it. I am still building this blog to where it can sustain itself so a little sacrifice here and there is necessary if I am to see it flourish. I have even published my first collaboration piece with a blogger from Kenya Simplysiro. What an experience it was. It took me out of my comfort zone and I had to approach her in good faith that she might be open to the idea. You will be shocked to know that she was actually  the  4th blogger that I approached with a collaboration idea and she was kind enough to see it through.
Can I say blogging has gotten easier with time? Absolutely NOT. The more I publish and write more post, it gets harder and more challenging as you constantly have to come up with things to write about and make it interesting for your readers so that they can find it easy to come back to your blog. And the more your blog attracts more people, the more you want to keep them engaged and encourage them to give feedback of which is not easy. Out of thousands that visit my blog, less than a 5th of them basically do engage with me in terms of sharing their thoughts on what I wrote about or the looks I put together. It is not easy to get people to open up to you. But let me say that I appreciate each and everyone of you who has ever visited or read my blog posts. This blog would not be where it is today if it were not for you. Thank you. 

Herewith is some of the looks that made it to the first 50 posts on this blog. Do share your thoughts on my blogging journey if you have been following this blog for sometime. What is it that you have enjoyed or could be an improvement? Thanks for stopping by as always! Mwah for now.

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