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Winter And Khaki

By sindisosdiary.com - 04:45

Who and what can honestly go wrong with Khaki in Winter? The change in season brings with it the beautiful knits, trench coats, jackets and boots in all shapes and colours. Not to mention that during this time we also get to see who the best in layering and putting colours together is. Dressing up is an art in itself and no one can judge your sense of style; besides style is personal. If you can show your personality through your style, you have achieved the ultimate goal that everyone wish. We all wish others can decode who we really are through what and how we wear our clothes.

Funny enough when growing up, Khaki was the brown shade uniform that we wore as part of the Bantu education system. When things started changing, we were upgraded to Black and White; Maroon and White and Black and Yellow. But those are things of a past most would rather not talk off. I hope you all had a wonderful Youth Day the other day.

Lastly, to the Youth of 2016;
Be the best you can possibly be. Do your best everyday and the rest will fall into place. Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to leave your comment below. Mwah for now and check again tomorrow for a father's day post.
Outfit Details
Jacket: H&M Conscious Collection
Dress: Mr Price
Shoes: Mr Price
Handbag: Fashion World
Neck Piece: Thrifted

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