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Perfect Match: Black and Brown

By sindisosdiary.com - 00:30

For about a week now, we have been experiencing mild to heavy rains. They may have left damages to property or even caused serious accidents that left some families without their loved ones. I sympathize with those who lost their loved ones. On the other hand, we are grateful for the much needed rains as some parts of the country were starting to have shortage of water and this shortage was eventually going to have a detrimental effect on produce and farming businesses. The rains have come at an idyllic time hence one can say God’s timing is always best.
So I have been finding myself always carrying a cardigan and an umbrella more often than earlier on in the season. These items have become my saviours when the weather got chilly or it starts raining. I have been rained on before so I know the aftermath of that. It is never good as you will be sick with a cold/flu of which may take you away from work or to make matters worse; seeing the sickness is contagious, you may infect your entire family. So I choose to be prepared than sorry no matter what. I would rather carry the extra kilo of staff in my tote than suffer potential consequences later.
They say you can never go wrong with Black and White but clearly they have not met Black and Brown together. To me this colour combo rivals that of Black and White anytime. You can dress it however you like and it is still a killer combination. Enough about the colours, If I were to tell you how much I paid for this dress you will not believe me. So I basically centred this look around the dress; its colours have been my go-to this season. I hope you like how I styled it. Mwah and have a wonderful week ahead.
Outfit Details
Dress: Thrifted
Belt: Mr Price
Shoes: Woolworths
Shades: Rubi @Cotton On
Cardigan: David Jones (can be found @some Woolworths stores)
Tote bag: Witchery (can be found @ some Woolworths stores)


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