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Happy Yappie Heppy Heppie

By sindisosdiary.com - 12:05

Let me start by saying compliments of the new season to you! 2015 was a year definitely not shot of excitements, joys, sorrows, progress, growth, miracles and many more. What definitely tops it all is finally meeting my biological father’s family. Even though it was unfortunate circumstances that brought us together, the meeting brought so many changes and blessings in my life.

 Outfit Details
Skirt: H&M
Shirt: Mr Price
Shoes: Woolworths
Handbag: Zara
My biological father whom we had made peace that he was no more also made contact with my family and his. It has taken him more than 27 years to finally remember the life he had left behind. A lot happened in his absence but we are happy that he is still alive and we can start afresh. This experience had brought and evoked emotions I never thought I had bottled inside. It has made me learn what forgiving someone really meant. It is not as easy as people make it seem to be. It takes a lot of strength and forgiving yourself first for the anger that you might have before forgiving another individual. Not everyone can understand what you are feeling because no situation is the same because of how as individuals we think and see things differently.
Anyway, enough of my rambling; I hope 2016 will be and bring to me and you all that we desire. This year I am planning on having 4 resolutions which I will commit to. Every year for the past 10 years or so, I have been writing down my resolutions but never really follow through on them. This year I am breaking the cycle and changing this dull behaviour and be the best me I can be.
Happy New Year Once More!

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